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How to hack facebook

Hello People…… this going to be about how to get Facebook password via setting up a fake login environment for the victim to login and we able to harvest the username and password without any indication to the Facebook owner….
Facebook is a popular social site… a lot of people use it on daily basis, what they are not aware is, its hackable…, most people think its just a social site, hence, its not so important to secure it, so, they ignore…. logging into Facebook account in public network may give away your credentials and your informations… [ This really happened to me several years ago, someone got my page and posted that i’m dead! my phone rang non stop on that day… sigh ] 
In my training days,  my students would login Facebook on the training pc and start checking the update status while the training is going on, well its not a big problem, it doesn’t really distract them, but, they just keep an eye on the status updates and another eye on me.. :)….and I would warn them, that logging in using public computers is dangerous…. but… well,  they don’t really care much.
So, I decided  to reveal the easiest method to catch the username and password in a public environment. e.g Starbucks, Training Rooms, Hotels, Train Stations , Airports…. and so on….
With this information, I hope, people will be more vigilant before logging into Facebook from a public network. 
Click here for facebook hack.

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